Tuesday, December 19, 2006


ok kay some say i need to update so i did anyways im doing good all eccept that my Great Grampa died on sunday.At least i think hes my Great Gampa or maybe hes just grampa or step grampa im not sure!?!?!?!?!?!?!
and i love comments


Anonymous said...

wow, sorry about your grandpa!!! =*(****

Michael said...

what do all the stars mean?

Anonymous said...

means, i cry

Anonymous said...

mmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!! the cookies are SOOOOO good!!! *eats some more* to bad you can't have any... kushaw ;P

Anonymous said...

No fair!We don't get to make very much baking during the Christmas holidays, the boys don't eat very many of them, because mom doesnt let them. So they sit and get hard and yucky, and then the boys choose not to eat them.

Anonymous said...

LOL!! I was just teasing Michael cuz he want one of my cookies IN THE WORST WAY! and i owe him a cookie too..... *evil grins*

Michael said...

ya and you better send it TO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

OR WHAT???? lol, i'll send it, don't worry. =P

Michael said...

NNNNNNaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :P

Michael said...

na na na na na nenenenenenenene nunununununun

Michael said...

hey guess what i could delete all your comments!!!!!

Michael said...

acctully Ruth change of plans i delete those kinds of comments!!!!!

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHAA! OH!! I'M SOOOOOOO SCARED!!!! lol!!! i just made oat meal cookies! they are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO goood!!!! *yummmmmy!!!* =P

Josh said...

Yes Michael he was your great grandpa, technically a step great grandpa cause he married great grandma!

Michael said...

ya so! i knew that before you told me ! i'm mean.

fullyrandom said...

i update

Michael said...


Michael said...

hey johnny you did not!!!!!